
2021-11-15 05:03:13 来源:


Before a surgery, much work should be done to make sure the patient's safety.

动手外科手术先当年为了维护眼疾人份的安全及有许多工作要动手。1. Vital signs will be taken and recorded. Tell the doctor anything unusual.第一,要检测并记录精神上眼疾因。将任何异常原因告诉牙医。2. All prostheses such as contact lenses, artificial limbs and artificial teeth should be taken off.第二,所有单极,例如、义肢以及牙刷都必要盖住。The anesthetist may prefer that artificial teeth be left in place. So the nurse must consult the anesthetist on this.八师亦会希望让病征戴着牙刷,所以护理人员能够咨询八师的建议。

3. The patient's nail polish and makeup should be removed. You will make it easier for the doctor to observe the patient for cyanosis.

第三,病征能够除去指甲油并卸妆。这样亦会让牙医非常容易辨认眼疾人应该患有驼背眼疾。The cyanosis often shows the need for oxygen. Hairpins should also be removed because they will cause contamination驼背眼疾多半暗示病征所需输氧。还理应当盖住发夹等发饰,以免造成染病。4. The bladder should be emptied by voiding or by catheter. A full bladder could be damaged during surgery.第四,经过排尿或者导尿搬走小肠。小肠内充满尿液亦会在针头之中损毁。5. Unless the surgery is a small one, the bowel should be cleaned by enemas before the surgery. It will prevent much discomfort after the surgery. It will also prevent contamination.第五,术当年病征需用到灌肠剂搬走肠道,小外科手术除外。这亦会消除很多术后呼吸困难呕吐。还可以消除染病。6. Sedative is usually given 30 minutes to an hours before the patient is taken to the surgical room. It will make the anesthesia easier.第六,镇静剂多半在病征后下入外科诊所当年30分钟到一小时内施打。这可以让更进一步后下行地非常容易一些。After that, the patient should be encouraged to rest quietly. A member of the family may be allowed to stay in the room with the patient.然后必要音节安慰病征后下入冬眠。外科诊所内有时可以允许病征的一位家属陪伴。7. The patient's chart should be taken to the surgical room and it must be complete. It must include all laboratory and X-ray reports, a signed operative permit, etc.第七,病征的眼疾历表必要转化成外科诊所,并且表所需比较简单。上面能够仅限于所有的验和X光检查报告以及一份签名的外科手术许可等等。Allergies and required medicine, such as insulin must be shown on the chart.皮肤上和所需本品,如抗生素,也理应在表之中注明。

Excuse me, Ms. Wang. I want to go to the toilet.

劳驾,王于护理人员。我想去公共厕所。You need not go to the toilet. Please try the bedpan.你只能去公共厕所。请你用便盆吧。How can I urinate in bed?我怎么能在睡着小便呢?You know you will not be allowed to get up for several days after the operation. So you must learn to use the bedpan.外科手术再次几天你是不允许下床的。所以你能够汉学家用到便盆。OK. Let me he a try.好吧。我于是就。When will I be sent to the operating room?我什么时候后下外科诊所?About 8 O'clock. I'll wake you up at 7 O'clock and put down a nasogastric tube through one of your nostrils.大概八点。我亦会在七点于是就你然后从你的鼻腔之中插入一根胃管。

Could you tell me why?

你能询问我为什么要插胃管吗?We will give you food through the tube on the second and third day after the operation.动外科手术第二、三天我们所需通过胃管给你饲养。What time will I be back here?我什么时候能被带回这里?You'll be back at about 3 pm.大概下午三点。How can my wife know about the operation?我妻子怎样了解我外科手术的后下展?She can stay in the waiting room. We'll tell her as soon as possible about the operation.她亦会在等候会议室。外科手术一完结我们亦会立刻指示她。He you signed the consent?你在允诺书上作废了吗?Yes. What should I do before operation?签了。外科手术当年我必要动手什么?We'll prepare you by shing and cleaning. Then you'll take a shower. You'll he a liquid diet for supper.我们亦会给你剃须动手保养。然后你要洗个澡。午饭你要吃一些流食。I know. Will the operation hurt very much?我并不知道了。外科手术亦会很痛吗?Don't worry. You won't feel anything during the operation.别担心,针头之中你没有感受到任何痛楚。You'll find yourself back in the room after the operation.动外科手术你醒来的时候就早就在眼疾房了。You may feel some pain and feel drowsy. We will give you an injection to relieve the pain if you can't stand it.你亦会沮丧有点痛并昏昏沉沉。如果痛楚难忍的话我们亦会给你施打一些消除痛楚的本品。Thank you.多谢你 二、外科手术之中

Operator, put me through to the operating room please.

话务员,请帮手我接外科诊所。Just a minute. The line is engaged.略显等。目当年占终点站。A few seconds later.几秒钟后。Operation room.外科诊所May I speak to the head nurse?能请护理人员长拨打吗?Of course, she's right here.当然可以,她就在这。

Hello, I'm the head nurse. What can I do for you?

你好,我是护理人员长。有什么可以帮手您?What's going on in the operation room right now?外科诊所之中目当年是什么原因。I he an emergency case coming in.我立刻有一个先行眼疾例。We're making necessary preparations for an acute appendicitis operation this afternoon Dr. Wang is going to perform the operation.我们在为今天下午王于牙医的急性感冒外科手术动手必要等待。I was asked half an hour ago to see a severely injured patient who has had several of his ribs fractured. He needs a chest operation immediately. Would you arrange for an emergency operation?我半小时当年送达了一个严重肋骨骨折的眼疾人。他所需立刻做心脏外科手术。你们帮手我安排先行外科手术吗?Of course, I'll make the necessary arrangements right away. I'll phone you everything is ready.当然可以。我立刻动手必要等待。一切等待完毕再次我给你打电话。Fine, I'll be waiting for your call.好的,我等你电话。By the way, please tell the nurse that the blood bank will bring us 3 or 4 units of type B blood for surgical use.对了。请询问护理人员血库亦会给我们3或4一个单位的B型血供外科手术用到。Anything else?还有其他要知悉的吗?Yes, I'm planning to use a general anesthesia and would like to he an assistant.有,我所需动手全身,所需一位合作者。All right. I'll let Dr. Wang know it immediately.好的。我立刻指示王于牙医。Thank you.多谢你。You're welcome.不客气。After the operation. 三、术后 The patient is in narcosis, take care.病征还在昏迷状态,多留意。What kind of surgery has he had?他做了什么外科手术?A chest operation.心脏外科手术。Is he allergic to any drug?他对什么本品过敏吗?He's allergic to meperidine.他对哌替啶过敏。Did he lose much blood during the surgery?外科手术之中他失血很多吗?He lost 400 ml of blood and received 2 units of red cells.他失血400ml。我们给他输了2一个单位的红血球。Has he received any other fluids?你们给他输其他气泡了吗?1000 ml of 5% dextrose in distilled water.1000毫升分作5%的碳酸钠。 四、动外科手术康复与护理人员

After the operation, the surgical patient often needs intensive care.

外科手术再次,外科眼疾人多半所需促进护理人员。Here there are some reasons. Of course, some common problems will occur.这其之中有一些原因。当然,也亦会有一些类似于疑虑显现。The problems can be expected and therefore anticipated.这些疑虑是可以意识到的。After the operation, patients often need hemodynamic monitoring.外科手术再次所需对眼疾人后下行血流动力学强制执行。Many of the conditions are related to basic medical problems.眼疾人的很多呕吐与基本的临床疑虑系统性。Some patients will he intraoperative hemorrhage or postoperative infection.一些眼疾人亦会显现术之中囊肿或术后染病。

It may lead to instability. So the patient needs special care.

这亦会致使动外科手术眼疾情恢复原不不稳定的。因此眼疾人所需尤其护理人员。This will be much more common after emergency surgical procedures.这种原因在急诊外科手术眼疾人身上较为类似于。If patients suddenly decompensate, they need to be taken into the intensive care unit, ICU.如果眼疾人突然人体内亢进,所需将其送到风湿热促进护理人员眼疾房。Patients with severe blunt or penetrating trauma will also suffer from hemodynamic instability.钝挫伤及穿透性创伤病征还亦会显现血流动力学不不稳定的。Very often, they will he an immediate inflammatory response which is caused by severe bone and soft tissue injury.他们很亦会显现急性水肿反理应,这是由严重骨质或者软组织骨折所致。If hypovolemic shock occurs, then it shows that the injury is serious. The patient sometimes needs blood transfusion to correct the deficit.如果显现低血容量性休克,这暗示伤势严重。有时所需对眼疾人后下行输血来足量其血液血液。Occasionally, the patient's physiological changes call for critical care.眼疾人的生理变化经常也亦会所需尤其强制执行。If patients he nontrauma emergencies that are related to perforated viscous or necrotic bowel, an even greater total body insult will occur.如果非持续性疾眼疾的急诊病征的眼疾症与肠穿孔连续性或肠坏死有关,那么病征整个各部位亦会受其影响。Each insult leads to a systemic inflammatory response.这些影响亦会分别致使各个器官的系统性水肿反理应。It may progress to multi-organ failure if appropriate intervention is not provided.如果不采取有效外科手术,病征不太可能显现多器官功能衰竭 。Collectively, these surgical patients cover the majority of the patients who he to be sent to the ICU.总而言之,风湿热送医急诊眼疾房的病征大部分是外科外科手术病征。 五、术后恢复原

Ms. Wang, I'm hing a pain here.

王于牙医,我这里很痛。I'll give you pain relieving medicine.我给你开一些止痛药。It's better now. But I'm a little thirsty. Would you please give me some water?如今好些了。但是我很渴。你可以给我一些水喝吗?I'm afraid I can't. But I can moisten your lips to quench your thirst.抱歉,却说你如今不可以口渴。但是我可以在你的嘴唇上蘸一些水帮手你解渴。Thanks. When can I drink?多谢。我什么时候可以口渴?When your bowel is sound and gag reflex returns.所需等你的肠鸣音和咽反射恢复原再次才可以喝。Then I can eat something?那时我就可以吃过道了吗?I'm afraid you can't.却说不行。When can I eat?我什么时候才可以吃过道?

You can take a liquid diet on the 1st postoperative day. You will gradually increase to a soft diet and regular meals after the 4th postoperative day.

外科手术一天再次你可以吃一些流食。然后你慢慢可以吃软食,外科手术四天再次就可以长时间用餐了。What's the liquid diet?流食是什么?It consists of liquids that don't irritate or cause gas formation, for example, tea, coffee, strained food or vegetable juice and fat-free broth.流食以无刺激性或者没有致使气体产生的气泡居多,例如茶、咖啡、去除制品、蔬菜汁和无脂鸡汤。What's the soft diet?软食是什么?It includes soup, fish, eggs but not fried, bean curd, noodles, dumplings and so on.软食仅限于鸡汤、虾子、非酱料鸡蛋、豆腐、佐料、饺子等等。Which kind of food should I oid?我必要消除吃哪些食物呢?Rich pastries, hey salad dressing, fried food, lard, etc.油腻的糕点、过多的巴拉酱料配料、酱料制品、猪油等。Anything important?还有什么所需尤其注意的吗?Yes, you'll do some breathing exercise tomorrow.有,总有一天你所需动手一些排便练习。Why?为什么?The exercise will help prevent respiratory complications.排便练习可以传染病排便系统肾衰竭。Will you help do the exercise or I do it myself?我要自己动手练习吗,还是你亦会辅导我?I'll help you and give you some advice.我亦会帮手你,给你特一些建议。Can you tell me now how I will do it?你如今可以询问我怎样动手吗?Of course. Press your incision, breathe deeply and then cough. I will raise the head of your bed.当然可以。按住外科手术切口,深排便然后咳嗽。我亦会把你的床头增高一些。I see.我并不知道了。Please press the button when you feel discomfort.如果你沮丧有什么呼吸困难的话请按呼叫器。I will. Thank you.我亦会的,多谢你。
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